We help students plan for college, pay for college and manage their financial obligations when the time comes.


We help students plan for college, pay for college and manage their financial obligations when the time comes.

Our Commitment to Your Future

HESC History

Founded in 1978 as private, nonprofit sister organizations, North Texas Higher Education Authority, Inc. (NTHEA) and Higher Education Servicing Corporation (HESC) were created to ensure access to higher education for students and families.

NTHEA was co-sponsored by the municipalities of Arlington and Denton, Texas, and specifically set out to ensure access to higher education by providing liquidity to lenders participating in the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP).

HESC was established to act as the in-house administrator and loan servicer for NTHEA and set out to provide low-cost servicing to lenders and borrowers. Together, NTHEA and HESC were able to provide millions of dollars worth of scholarships to schools, industry leading repayment benefits to borrowers, and college preparation and financial literacy outreach services.

Today, NTHEA and HESC hold and service over $900 million in student loans and have helped provide low-cost federal education loans to hundreds of thousands of Texas students and families. In addition, HESC continues to administer educational outreach activities throughout North Texas. Over the past two decades, HESC has conducted hundreds of college preparation and financial literacy programs to more than 100,000 students and parents through its inspirED outreach programs and services.

Our Commitment to the Future

Although our role in providing students and parents access to low-cost federal loans has changed due to the elimination of the FFELP, both NTHEA and HESC remain committed to supporting students in their goal of attaining a higher education. By offering a greater repertoire of educational services through our outreach division, inspirED, including a more robust college preparation program catered to the specific needs of sophomores, juniors and seniors, high school counselor training, financial literacy programs and the sponsorship and support of GO Centers, we look to significantly expand the number of students and parents we serve each year and help develop a more prepared cohort of college-ready students.